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Sivaprasad Yeturu
Karla Méndez
Patricia Garrido
Sandy Serrano
Ana Garrido


The serologic survey and the confirmatory molecular diagnostic suggested evidence of a fairly presence of ILT infection in the main poultry farms of Ecuador. The current work highlights the need to apply a control program of ILT based on vaccination and standard biosecurity measures in the poultry farms of Ecuador. 


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Sivaprasad Yeturu, Karla Méndez, Patricia Garrido, Sandy Serrano, Ana Garrido. SEROLOGICAL AND MOLECULAR IDENTIFICATION OF CUCUMBER MOSAIC VIRUS (CMV) INFECTING BANANA CROPS IN ECUADOR. EEC [Internet]. 4 de septiembre de 2016 [citado 22 de febrero de 2025];3(1). Disponible en:
Artículos Científicos


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