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El manejo agrícola origina modificaciones en las propiedades del suelo. Para evaluar la incidencia del manejo sobre diferentes cultivos se han realizado análisis químicos, fisicoquímicos y bioquímicos en suelos con plantaciones de maíz (Zea mayz) y remolacha (Beta vulgaris L.) utilizando como control un suelo natural. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que efectivamente el cultivo genera modificaciones en el suelo y que los parámetros bioquímicos (CO2 producido por los microorganismos del suelo) son los más sensibles a la modificaciones producidas.
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Carla Moreno, María Isabel González, José Antonio Egido. INFLUENCIA DEL MANEJO SOBRE LA CALIDAD DEL SUELO. EEC [Internet]. 30 de agosto de 2015 [citado 22 de febrero de 2025];2(1). Disponible en:
Artículos Científicos
Ferreras, L.; Toresani, S.; Bonel, B.; Fernández, E.; Bacigaluppo, S.; Faggioli, V.; Beltrán, C.: Parámetros químicos y biológicos como indicadores de calidad del suelo en diferentes manejos. . Ciencia del suelo [online]2009, 27, 103-114.
Ross, S. M.: Organic matter in tropical soils: current conditions, concerns and prospects for conservation. Progress in Physical Geography 1993, 17: 265-305.
Elliott, E. T.: Aggregate Structure And Carbon, Nitrogen, And Phosphorus In Native And Cultivated Soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J.1986, 50, 627-633.
Celik, I.: Land-use effects on organic matter and physical properties of soil in a southern Mediterranean highland of Turkey. Soil and Tillage Research 2005, 83, 270-277.
Larson, W. E.; Pierce, F. J.: The dynamics of soil quality as a measure of sustainable management. Defining soil quality for a sustainable environment 1994, 37-51.
Doran, J.; Parkin, T. B.: Defining and assesing soil quality. In: Defining and Assessing Soil Quality for Sustainable Environment. Soil Science Society of America. Special Publication 35. Madison, Wisconsin, USA. pp 3-211994.
Galantini, J.; Rosell, R.: Long-term fertilization effects on soil organic matter quality and dynamics under different production systems in semiarid Pampean soils. Soil and Tillage Research 2006, 87, 72-79.
Buckman, H.; Brady, N.: Naturaleza y Propiedadesde los Suelos; 5ta ed.: Mexico. U.TE.H.A, 1993.
Bastida, F.; Zsolnay, A.; Hernández, T.; García, C.: Past, present and future of soil quality indices: A biological perspective. Geoderma 2008, 147, 159-171.
Panwar, P.; Pal, S.; Reza, S. K.; Sharma, B.: Soil Fertility Index, Soil Evaluation Factor, and Microbial Indices under Different Land Uses in Acidic Soil of Humid Subtropical India. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 2011, 42, 2724-2737.
Michéli, E.; Schad, P.; Spaargaren, O.; Dent, D.; Nachtergaele, F.: World reference base for soil
resources: 2006: a framework for international classification, correlation and communication; FAO,
Koppen, W.: Das geographische System del Klimate (Handbuch der Klimatologie, Bd. 1, Teil C).
Soil Survey Staff: Keys to Soil Taxonomy. SMSS Technical Monograph, No. 19. Pocahontas Press, Blacksburg, VIrginia1992.
Bray, R.; Kurtz, L.: Determination of total organic and available forms of phosphorus in soil. 1954, 59, 39-45.
Nelson, D. W.; Sommers, L. E.: Total carbon, organic carbon, and organic matter. In: A.L. Page (Ed) Methods of Soil Analysis, Monograph (2nd edn), 9, American Society of Agronomy, Madison (1982)1982, 539-579.
García, C.; Gil, F.; Hernández, T.; Trasar, C.: Técnicas de Análisis de Parámetros Bioquímicos en
Suelos. Medidas de Actividades Enzimáticas y Biomasa Microbiana: España, 2003.
Yilmaz, E.: Effects of Different Sources of Organic Matter on Some Soil Fertility Properties: A Laboratory Study on a Lithic Rhodoxeralf from Turkey. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 2011, 42, 962-970.
Brady, N. C.; Weil, R. R.: The Nature and Properties of Soils; Pearson International Edition ed.: United States of America, 2008.
Urricariet, S.; Lavado, R.: Indicadores de deterioro en suelos de la Pampa Ondulada. Ciencia del suelo 1999, 17, 37-44.
Ozturkmen, A.; Kavdir, Y.: Comparison of some quality properties of soils around land-mined areas and adjacent agricultural fields. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 2012, 184, 1633-1643.
Bastida, F.; Moreno, J.; Hernández, T.; García, C.: Microbiological degradation index of soils in a semiarid climate. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 2006, 38, 3463-3473.
Sparling, G. P.: Soil microbial biomass, activity and nutrient cycling as indicators of soil health. Biologica lindicators of soil health. In J.D. Knoepp. Biological Indices of soil quality: an ecosystem case of study of their use 1997.
Hanson, P. J.; Edwards, N. T.; Garten, C. T.; Andrews, J. A.: Separating root and soil microbial
contributions to soil respiration: A review of methods and observations. Biogeochemistry 2000, 48, 115-146.
Giardina, C. P.; Binkley, D.; Ryan, M. G.; Fownes, J. H.; Senock, R. S.: Belowground carbon cycling in a humid tropical forest decreases with fertilization. In: C. Oyonarte et al. The use of soil respiration as an ecological indicator in arid ecosystems of the SE of Spain: Spatial variability and controlling factors. Oecologia 2004, 139.
Dube, F.; Zagal, E.; Stolpe, N.; Espinoza, M.: The influence of land-use change on the organic carbon distribution and microbial respiration in a volcanic soil of the Chilean Patgonia. Forest Ecology and Management 2009, 1696-1704.
Anderson, T.-H.; Domsch, K. H.: Ratios of microbial biomass carbon to total organic carbon in arable soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 1989, 21, 471-479.
FAO: The global outlook for future wood supply from forest plantations (Working Paper GFPOS/WP/03). Rome, Italy: FAO. 200
Ross, S. M.: Organic matter in tropical soils: current conditions, concerns and prospects for conservation. Progress in Physical Geography 1993, 17: 265-305.
Elliott, E. T.: Aggregate Structure And Carbon, Nitrogen, And Phosphorus In Native And Cultivated Soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J.1986, 50, 627-633.
Celik, I.: Land-use effects on organic matter and physical properties of soil in a southern Mediterranean highland of Turkey. Soil and Tillage Research 2005, 83, 270-277.
Larson, W. E.; Pierce, F. J.: The dynamics of soil quality as a measure of sustainable management. Defining soil quality for a sustainable environment 1994, 37-51.
Doran, J.; Parkin, T. B.: Defining and assesing soil quality. In: Defining and Assessing Soil Quality for Sustainable Environment. Soil Science Society of America. Special Publication 35. Madison, Wisconsin, USA. pp 3-211994.
Galantini, J.; Rosell, R.: Long-term fertilization effects on soil organic matter quality and dynamics under different production systems in semiarid Pampean soils. Soil and Tillage Research 2006, 87, 72-79.
Buckman, H.; Brady, N.: Naturaleza y Propiedadesde los Suelos; 5ta ed.: Mexico. U.TE.H.A, 1993.
Bastida, F.; Zsolnay, A.; Hernández, T.; García, C.: Past, present and future of soil quality indices: A biological perspective. Geoderma 2008, 147, 159-171.
Panwar, P.; Pal, S.; Reza, S. K.; Sharma, B.: Soil Fertility Index, Soil Evaluation Factor, and Microbial Indices under Different Land Uses in Acidic Soil of Humid Subtropical India. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 2011, 42, 2724-2737.
Michéli, E.; Schad, P.; Spaargaren, O.; Dent, D.; Nachtergaele, F.: World reference base for soil
resources: 2006: a framework for international classification, correlation and communication; FAO,
Koppen, W.: Das geographische System del Klimate (Handbuch der Klimatologie, Bd. 1, Teil C).
Soil Survey Staff: Keys to Soil Taxonomy. SMSS Technical Monograph, No. 19. Pocahontas Press, Blacksburg, VIrginia1992.
Bray, R.; Kurtz, L.: Determination of total organic and available forms of phosphorus in soil. 1954, 59, 39-45.
Nelson, D. W.; Sommers, L. E.: Total carbon, organic carbon, and organic matter. In: A.L. Page (Ed) Methods of Soil Analysis, Monograph (2nd edn), 9, American Society of Agronomy, Madison (1982)1982, 539-579.
García, C.; Gil, F.; Hernández, T.; Trasar, C.: Técnicas de Análisis de Parámetros Bioquímicos en
Suelos. Medidas de Actividades Enzimáticas y Biomasa Microbiana: España, 2003.
Yilmaz, E.: Effects of Different Sources of Organic Matter on Some Soil Fertility Properties: A Laboratory Study on a Lithic Rhodoxeralf from Turkey. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 2011, 42, 962-970.
Brady, N. C.; Weil, R. R.: The Nature and Properties of Soils; Pearson International Edition ed.: United States of America, 2008.
Urricariet, S.; Lavado, R.: Indicadores de deterioro en suelos de la Pampa Ondulada. Ciencia del suelo 1999, 17, 37-44.
Ozturkmen, A.; Kavdir, Y.: Comparison of some quality properties of soils around land-mined areas and adjacent agricultural fields. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 2012, 184, 1633-1643.
Bastida, F.; Moreno, J.; Hernández, T.; García, C.: Microbiological degradation index of soils in a semiarid climate. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 2006, 38, 3463-3473.
Sparling, G. P.: Soil microbial biomass, activity and nutrient cycling as indicators of soil health. Biologica lindicators of soil health. In J.D. Knoepp. Biological Indices of soil quality: an ecosystem case of study of their use 1997.
Hanson, P. J.; Edwards, N. T.; Garten, C. T.; Andrews, J. A.: Separating root and soil microbial
contributions to soil respiration: A review of methods and observations. Biogeochemistry 2000, 48, 115-146.
Giardina, C. P.; Binkley, D.; Ryan, M. G.; Fownes, J. H.; Senock, R. S.: Belowground carbon cycling in a humid tropical forest decreases with fertilization. In: C. Oyonarte et al. The use of soil respiration as an ecological indicator in arid ecosystems of the SE of Spain: Spatial variability and controlling factors. Oecologia 2004, 139.
Dube, F.; Zagal, E.; Stolpe, N.; Espinoza, M.: The influence of land-use change on the organic carbon distribution and microbial respiration in a volcanic soil of the Chilean Patgonia. Forest Ecology and Management 2009, 1696-1704.
Anderson, T.-H.; Domsch, K. H.: Ratios of microbial biomass carbon to total organic carbon in arable soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 1989, 21, 471-479.
FAO: The global outlook for future wood supply from forest plantations (Working Paper GFPOS/WP/03). Rome, Italy: FAO. 200